System Administrator permissions would give a user full access to all the records that may require merging, but it is not necessarily required to be able to merge some duplicates. The access to records you have in Salesforce will be the same access you have in DataGroomr.

Note: With the Enterprise Plan you have the option to further restrict actions within DataGroomr using Roles.

Minimum Permissions Required to Merge:

  • API Enabled 
  • DELETE Permissions on objects that are being merged (to delete the duplicate records)
  • EDIT Permissions on all related objects (needed to re-assign them to the master)
  • Access to the record itself, with Accounts this typically means being a System Administrator, the owner of the account, or a user that is above the account owner in the Role Hierarchy. 

Something to note with Contacts:

  • To merge Customer Portal enabled contacts you will need EDIT Self-Service Users
  • To merge partner portal enabled contacts you will need Manage Partners