TRIMMR includes the ability to mass merge duplicate groups based on a confidence level (the certainly that the matched records are duplicates).  All duplicate groups are assigned a match confidence score of between 1-100. The higher the score, the higher the probability that the records within the groups are genuine duplicates.

Tip: We recommend that you work with Trimmr for some time before using Mass Merge.


A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated


To run a mass merge task, select the MASS MERGE button from the duplicate group list view.


In the displayed window, drag bar to select the minimum match confidence level to use as a basis for the mass merge. 

You may also use tags to filter the merge. Tags can be used to include or exclude matched groups from mass merge.

Good to Know: Tags work in conjunction with the Match Confidence setting and will only be applied to groups with a match confidence above the set limit.

Read more about creating your own merge rules
Master record rules
Field value rules
Tags in DataGroomr App
Tags in DataGroomr Lightning Component

Finally, press the MERGE ALL button to begin merge.

Read more:
Merging Contacts with Multiple Account records