Some business usecases might require a field to be pulled in from two related objects connected through a lookup relationships (a rollup summary field will not applicable because it is not Master-Detail). For example, populating the primary phone number in an Account object with the phone number from the oldest related Contact object.
Depending on the merge rule, any field can be brought in from a related object in a similar manner. In this example, we are bringing in the phone number from the newest Contact related to an Account record.
1. Within Setup>Object Manager>Account>Field&Relationships>New Field, create a new text formula field on the Account Object. Name it CaseSafeAccountID. In the formula field, enter
This will create a new field that copies the ID of Account record into a formula field.
2. Within Datagroomr, navigate to Supervisr>Objects and the in the upper right hand corder click on Refresh Objects. This will synchronize the newly created field in the Account object model with the DG platform
3. Next, we need to create a classic matching model against the new field we created in the first step. Within Supervisr>Objects>Matching Models>Account click on Add Model to create a new classic Matching Model that does an exact match on the newly created formula field, case CaseSafeAccountID
4. Next, create a new Merge rule on the Account object that pulls in data from the secondary Contact object. within Supervisr>Rules>Field Merge Rules>Add rule create a new rule that pulls in data based on the criteria of your choice. In this case, I'm populating the Account Phone into the Account Phone record with the newest linked Contact.
5. Navigate to Importr>Upload Data>"From Data Set">General create a new dataset with "Import From" set to Contacts and "Import To" set to Accounts
6. Navigate to the Fields Tab and corralate the Account ID <-> Contact ID and Safe Account ID <-> Account ID. Ensure to also select any fields that you would like to bring in from the Contact to Account
7. In the Update Rule Tab, select the Field Value Update rule that you created earlier in step 4 within the dropdown menu
8. In the Matching Model Tab, select the classic matching model that we created earlier in step 3.
9. If all goes well, you will see match groups that show the account record as the first vertical column and the associated contacts on the columns to the right of it