Start by click on the Add Webhook button, this will bring up an Add Webhook dialog.
Specify the following values:
- Endpoint URL in the form of the absolute URI, for example
- Select events which should trigger integration
- Post Merge
- Post Convert
- Select all or specific datasets which should trigger integration
- Optionally, specify webhook description
Handle the event
DataGroomr sends the event data in the request body in JSON format. Each event is structured as an object with a type, context, request and response. In addition, DataGroomr includes the following request headers,
- X-DataGroomr-Signature - signature generated by DataGroomr based on event body (Read more about verifying signature Check Event Signature)
- X-DataGroomr-CorrelationId - unique event Correlation Id
As soon as you have the event object, check the type to know what kind of event happened. The following event types are available,
- PostMerge - occurs after records are merged,
- PostConvert - occurs after Lead record is converted.
Event format
All Post-events are sent in the JSON format and include the following fields
- type (string) - Type of the event, Available values: PostMerge, PostConvert.
- context (object) - Execution context, contains the following fields
- triggeredBy - user name of a user who triggered event
- triggeredByJob - job name (from Schedulr) which triggered event
- request (array) - An array of objects representing requests sent to Salesforce
- response (array) - An array of objects representing responses received from Salesforce
Post Merge event format
- request (array) - Salesforce merge requests (see MergeRequest object)
- response (array) - An array of Salesforce merge results (see MergeResult object)
Example event is shown below
{ "type": "PostMerge", "request": [ { "masterRecord": { "type": "Lead", "Id": "00Q4W00001SPf7yUAD" }, "recordToMergeIds": [ "00Q4W00001SPf7zUAD" ] } ], "response": [ { "id": "00Q4W00001SPf7yUAD", "mergedRecordIds": [ "00Q4W00001SPf7zUAD" ], "updatedRelatedIds": [ "00Q4W00001SPf7zUAD" ], "success": true } ], "context": { "triggeredBy": "[email protected]", "triggeredByJob": "" } }
Post Convert event format
- request (array) - Salesforce Lead convert requests (see LeadConvert object)
- response (array) - An array of Salesforce Lead convert results (see LeadConvertResult object)
Example event is shown below
{ "type": "PostConvert", "request": [ { "accountId": "0014W00002JGJaWQAX", "contactId": "0034W00002Q8GITQA3", "leadId": "00Q4W00001SPf5cUAD", "ownerId": "0054W00000AeTXzQAN", "convertedStatus": "Closed - Converted", "doNotCreateOpportunity": true } ], "response": [ { "accountId": "0014W00002JGJaWQAX", "contactId": "0034W00002Q8GITQA3", "leadId": "00Q4W00001SPf5cUAD", "opportunityId": null, "success": true } ], "context": { "triggeredBy": "[email protected]", "triggeredByJob": "" } }
Next steps: