DataGroomr integrates with official postal authority and aggregates data from multiple mapping and geospatial data sources for 250 countries and territories. We cross reference address data from sources such as Royal Mail, USPS, Canada Post to provide the most accurate global address data. Upon verification DataGroomr provides suggestions for misspelled, invalid or incomplete addresses.

DataGroomr will calculate a score and provide address verification status,

  • Valid - all checks passed, an address is valid and formatted in accordance with the standards of official postal service;
  • Warning - basic checks passed, most of the time there are formatting inconsistencies, address is likely reachable;
  • Risky - the address is unlikely reachable or there are significant formatting issues;
  • Invalid - address does not exists;
  • Suggestion - an additional status showing that DataGroomr has suggestions to fix address to be fully valid and formatted in accordance with official postal service.

To see and apply suggested address, click on the Suggestion label, the following dialog will appear. To update address in Salesforce, click REPLACE button or IGNORE to remove suggestion.

Minimum required fields for enrichment

Addresses need at minimum an accurate Mailing Street (including house number) and City to conduct an erichment. If the number of fields do not meet the minimum requirement, verification will not be successful and the credits will not be deducted from your account.